Monday, July 6, 2009

Karl Fisch's Blog

Arapahoe High School, Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate....
This is basically about how most older teacher's did not grow up using computers in the classroom everyday and the advantage younger teachers have by learning about the basic technology with in computer uses.

My view's of this is that teachers that have been teaching for many years did not grow up with or get any schooling on the use of computers so they feel like it is too late to learn how to uses this form of technology and due to the point that they are older they feel like there is no need for a change in there way of teaching such as there style. And for those teachers who are still in the school this type of mind frame can hurt there students because they need to introduce this technology to those students. As for as the younger teachers they know that it is very important In today's society

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