Monday, July 13, 2009


Google is used by over a billion people in the world today.Chrome is operating system that Google will be putting on the market in a year. one thing that might affect teachers and schools netbooksits how would this help education is what some people will ask. If this operating system become a success what happens to windows. Most people use windows because it has been around for many of years. Chrome want there program to user friendly they also want to make it simple for the average person to use. I feel like this will be a issues for the teacher's by making sure all of the students are using the same program such as window's or Chrome for there on line assignments.

Randy Pausch's last Lecture

while listening to the lecture a person will know that Randy Love's for children is very passionate. He is the kind of person that goes the extra mile. He was an inspirational individual that seemed to love life and absolutely loved his career. He loved make away to do what was best even if he had to break the rules and he was a professor for many years.

During this lecture he talked about his childhood life and the goal that he had set for himself. And how he accomplished all of his goals that he set. he went on talking about life preambles such as obstacles which we all have faced more than one time. Pausch is such a positive thinker which i admire so much. To me he felt like everything was possible and that he would achieve.

His teaching method was different he did not teach his class out of books In his Virtual Reality class. this did allot of there work together which is very good because they get the chance to share there ideals and see things in a different view.I thought this was extremely important.
pausch shares his thought “Lessons Learned” and it talks about roles such as teachers, Colleagues,mentors,parents and friends and the amount of impact they have on us a an individual. he also about caring for other people and apologize when needed to do so.

Monday, July 6, 2009

i Tunes University

iTunes University would be a very helpful site for students like myself to explore information about many Unviersity . . it also gives a person access from anywhere such as your IPod, phone, Mac, or PC. the one thing i like about this site is that younger children can als benfit from it by

Karl Fisch's Blog

Arapahoe High School, Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate....
This is basically about how most older teacher's did not grow up using computers in the classroom everyday and the advantage younger teachers have by learning about the basic technology with in computer uses.

My view's of this is that teachers that have been teaching for many years did not grow up with or get any schooling on the use of computers so they feel like it is too late to learn how to uses this form of technology and due to the point that they are older they feel like there is no need for a change in there way of teaching such as there style. And for those teachers who are still in the school this type of mind frame can hurt there students because they need to introduce this technology to those students. As for as the younger teachers they know that it is very important In today's society

Podcasts by students last Semester

My EDM class will be doing our first podcast later in the week. our assignment this week is to listen to other students podcast from last semester just to get an ideal on how to perform our on. I listened to Bob Wakeman 's EDM class on the Internet. I enjoyed listing to Randy Paulch BW0119W which was the title of the Lecture the other podcast was Shift Happens and How it Affects Me as a Teacher BW0818.

while listing to the two podcast the speakers gave me useful tools that i believe will help me when i do my own podcast later in the week. Ialso notice some mistakes that the students were having such as not speaker clear and it sounded like they were reading from a script as if it was play. But on a positive note I identified some weaknesses that I will try to improve on in my podcast such speaking in a clear voice and not speaking as if i am reading off a paper word from word. I will also try not to take long plases while changeing from one tropic to another